The deVOL Journal


19th December 2014

By Martha McKenzie

The last couple of blog posts I’ve done have been based on stone tiles, so I thought I’d seize a blogging opportunity to shamelessly plug my musical endeavors. Ever since I can remember I have been involved in some sort of musical activity, it really is just part of who I am these days.

Since moving up to Loughborough, we have formed a folk/reggae/classical band called Careen. We released an album earlier this year “Tiny boats on Restless Shores” and I must say we’ve been chuffed about the reception that we’ve received.

I play piano, melodica and main vocals, and Sam plays guitar and backing vocals, my friend Jake plays bass and occasionally I bully my little brother into playing the Cajon for us (it’s a box that you sit on and hit and sounds like a drum). Here we all are doing our thing:

If you were curious about sampling any of our music you can hear us here:

It’s a pleasure to be able to perform and compose with great friends and to lovely audiences. Musical events really do give you the opportunity to meet some of the most interesting people you are likely to come across.

So there we have it, a peek into what else I get up to other then selling out lovely stone tiles! Album number two is quietly churning away behind the scenes and has a definite medieval influence. I may change my name to “Lady McKenzie”- all the best musicians have alter-ego’s right? 😛