The deVOL Journal


30th September 2015

By Sophie Mitchell

We love Pinterest.

It’s a great tool and so useful when you’re starting a new project; looking for a bit of inspiration to freshen up a room or just if you have a spare five minutes and want to browse through some beautiful images.

We have a Pinterest account here at Floors of Stone, which we regularly update with beautiful images of our products; pictures of life here at the Mill, including our wonderful showroom and all the wildlife; customer’s finished projects and other images that we stumble across and inspire us.

Some of our most popular pins are of customer’s finished projects, and we love sharing them so others can admire their ambition and design skills. These are just a few of our most popular pins:

If you want to peruse all of our boards, you can see them here:

We apologise in advance, it can get very addictive!